Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas~~it's all about LOVE

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Yesaya 9:5 

We Were The Reason

Beautiful Exchange - Hillsong
 ::::Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful. May Christmas spread cheer in your lives! ::::

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Doesn’t life prove human potential is limitless? New world records are set every Olympic Games. In 1969, we put our first man on the moon and today Richard Branson is planning tourist trips there. Neil Armstrong said: “one small step for man one gaint leap for mankind.”

In our weakness lies our greatest potential. Instead of accepting all of ourselves, we repress what we are ashamed of. Trouble is, anything hidden from the light of truth has  funny way of popping out and bitting us when we lest expect it.

The good news is, each of us has life - energy and vitality that is connected to Source. This means each of us is a compass with a needle pointing “home”.

At the heart of our desire we want to know that what we are has value and meaning. As long as we’re open to exploring and expressing our uniqueness, we are naturally on course to our greatness! Or we could work to reverse development. Only we can stunt our evolution.

Remember how the wicked witch poisoned Sleeping Beauty? Fear, hatred and jelously failed to destroy innocence and purity, succeeding only in causing a deep sleep. Muahhhh! Then Sleeping Beauty was awakened by the lover’s kiss. Love triumphs over fear. Love brings consciousness back and life blossoms anew.

That what Walt Disney’s way of saying, “wake up to love, wake up to life.” Children get it, so why can’t we? We must wake up from this mass sleep. The world is working hard to pull wool over our eyes, to make us out of the bad. Let’s remember who we are, where we come from and what we really want. Everything that is not from love is illusion – it’s the wicked witch working to induce nightmare. Wake up. Getting conscious is our best chance of living happily ever after.

When was the last time you asked your spouse, “Baby, how well I am meeting your needs?” Sit with each of your children and ask them, “what can I do to make you feel more confident? How can I encourage you so you will be happier?” Have you ever asked your subordinate, “How can I inspire you to excel?” Ask. Don’t be afraid of the answers. Don’t we want to know if we’re doing things right, doing things well? Aren’t we interested in peace, progress and harmony? How are you using your status, power and influence to improve the lives of others?
If the leadership is about turning vision into reality, if self-actualisation is about turning potential into measurable competence, then self-actualising leadership is about enabling others to be t their best while making their dream come true. It’s not easy. Most leaders just focus on being popular.

People aren’t prepared to face the truth either. They prefer to remain sedated by this mass hypnosis, “I am what I have. I am what I do. I am my reputation, my past.” How miserable life must be. From that place we continue to sell ourselves down the river. Aiming for recovery and renewal, and to let change begin, the first question is always, “what is your current situation? Where are you starting from?” Only when we are firmly grounded in reality can we take actions that will lead us to an inspiring life.

Some think leadership is about bossing people around. “Identify the obstcles. Set a deadline. Get the job done.” They forget they’re leading hearts and minds, not blocks of wood. There’s human life at stake, the future of our children, the ecology of community. Then there are those who reach the top by cutting others down. At Source, do you think heaven cares how many followers you have?

The real work of leadership is to bring hope. A good leader works to develope other leaders. Those who serve the interests of others are shown not just obedience but respect.

What type of leader are you? If you believe you can do better than you’ve ever done, if you think you are doing great, the best is yet to come.


No you have that? My Revenue Law lecturer once said, it is normal, no one born and have enough confident. It should be build and need practice to improve. I got this kind of problem. Every time I got presentation, my whole body shaking! My teeth, my hands, my legs...o is funny but I feel terrible..I can’t help it. When I smile, I don’t know if the smiley face come out, I think my face turn into something else..its not looks like I’m face turn udang rebus. I don’t know if the audiences notice it.
I really don’t like having assignment or project with senior. U know y? Because they are more advance, more knowledgeable than me. I don’t have the confident to speak out my idea & opinion..then I just listen the discussion and give opinion, complaining, agreeing in my head, talking to myself..useless. It means that I’m fear of rejection, criticism, being ignored! I’m fear of what people might think about me or about my opinion that make me feel worse.
I'm interested in an article wrote by Tessie Lim (founder of Tessie Lim Sdn Bhd) in New Sunday is about Building Self-Confident. Why on earth do we need to continue having no confidence? We even not see a pretty picture for the next 2 or 3 years if we are still like this. If confidence comes from doing well but we don’t do, how will we get good? If we think but don’t act, then feel frustrated..are we ready to change this pattern so we get a better result? We’re the one label ourselves as a ‘loser’. That's not we are, that's not all we are! So when people criticized it won’t make who we are, but what we think makes who we are. That's why it is important to think well of ourselves. When we do that, we feel good, we have energy, we want do things, we want do well. Its a virtuous cycle. We had the authority to chose. We can chose our feeling, we can chose our thoughts...the keyword being “I can”